Night clearing method - InterGIRO1
Under the InterGIRO1 - Night Clearing Mode, Clearing Members may submit their orders for the day in question from the afternoon of the preceding business day until the dawn of the following calendar day at the latest, within the timeframe set out in the ICS Business Policy. Orders shall be cleared at night.
In InterGIRO1 - night clearing, processing is performed in two stages, and an interbank position matrix is produced for the NBH on the result of the processing. The clearing of orders submitted late (during the extraordinary transmission phase) or which are not covered is carried out in the second cycle on the morning of the clearing day, on the basis of the NBH's confirmation of coverage, after which another interbank position matrix is produced. If all orders are cleared correctly in the first cycle, no second cycle takes place.
During the clearing process, GIRO Zrt. performs a coverage check and only cleared orders with coverage. For the purposes of the coverage check, GIRO Zrt. shall take as a basis the amount available on the clearing members' account with the NBH and the combined amount of the intraday credit limit provided by the NBH and the credits received during processing.
The clearing results - one receivable and one payable per Clearing Member - are transferred by GIRO Zrt. to the NBH for clearing, and the NBH shall settle the amount on the account of the Clearing Member. The process and messages of InterGIRO1 - night clearing are provided in the ICS IG1 Standard volumes.

Among the payment orders cleared on the InterGIRO1 - night clearing mode platform of the Interbank Clearing System (ICS), two types of orders are distinguished: a) individual payment orders b) group payment orders.
The latter are individual interbank items made up of payment orders from a group of clients (one transferor, multiple beneficiaries; or one collector and several debtors). See the transaction types to be used in the night clearing method in FILE ATTACHMENT.)
Group orders may be submitted by those Clearing Members, who are prepared to manage them, have successfully completed the relevant GIRO tests and have initiated the service in writing. Clearing Members authorized to initiate group direct debits may only transmit to the Interbank Clearing System group orders of debt collectors that have been previously notified to GIRO Zrt. for registration purposes.
Within the framework of the clearing service, clearing members have the option to authorise their account clients to submit their group payment orders directly to GIRO Zrt. Authorized bank account holders are the Direct Submitters. In the ICS, the following payment orders may be directly submitted:
- group payment order,
- group debit order,
- group (postal) cash payment order.
GIRO Zrt. processes interbank orders received from the Direct Submitter in the ICS, while group orders within a given bank or institute are forwarded to the Direct Submitter's Clearing Member which is the account holder. The message standards for group payment orders submitted by the Direct Submitter and reports prepared by GIRO Zrt. are set out in Volume III of the ICS Standards.

The execution of direct debit orders is subject to the debtor giving an authorization to the bank managing the account and the account holder (debtor) submitting the direct debit order being aware thereof. The credit institutes shall transmit the details of the authorizations received from the obligors to the Debtor in the form of standardised electronic messages via the GIRO Zrt.'s mandate brokerage system and the Debtor's authorization broker bank. The message types, standards, identification and verification criteria for the distribution of authorizations in the ICS are set out in Volume III of the ICS Standards.